(Version January 2025)
These terms are in addition to the HID Support Services General Terms and Conditions which is located at https://support.hidglobal.com/support-terms-conditions/support-services-general-terms-conditions
1. Availability of Services. The HydrantID production service will be operational 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. The services will be deemed operational if they are available 99.5 % of the time on a monthly basis. Scheduled downtime will not exceed seven hours per month and will occur (i) on Saturdays or Sundays, or (ii) at such other times and days as HydrantID may deem necessary, provided HydrantID gives Client at least three calendar days advance written notice of such other time and day for scheduled downtime. As the application is dependent on the availability of Internet communications, HydrantID does not and cannot provide a service level guarantee that the service will be accessible by Client on an uninterrupted basis.
2. Response Times. Upon receipt of properly submitted instructions to issue a Certificate, ninety-nine percent (99.5%) will result in the issuance of a Certificate within 30 minutes, measured from the time the incoming Certificate request arrives at HydrantID’s firewall until departure of the outgoing, issued Certificate at HydrantID’s firewall. This time commitment excludes delays due to Internet latency, which are outside of HydrantID’s reasonable control.
3. Corrective Action. Upon learning of a Service Level Failure, HydrantID will initiate a corrective action plan (including appropriate corrective measures to resolve such failure and review of processes to minimize the likelihood of a recurrence of such failure), which will be made available to Client upon request.
4. Customer Support. HydrantID will provide to Client with technical support as follows:
(i) HydrantID’ Support will be available from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, excluding the following public holidays: New Year's Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and any other major national holidays. HydrantID will provide on-call telephone support at all other hours for emergencies and critical failures, through an answering service that will contact HydrantID personnel by pager or cellular telephone.
(ii) All incoming support requests will be logged and assigned to a technician (if appropriate), escalated (if necessary), and followed until resolution of the issue.
5. Severity Levels. The Support Center will attempt to resolve all problems within its capabilities on the initial call. In the event the original support technician cannot timely resolve the problem, the problem shall immediately escalate to the next level of expertise. HydrantID will endeavor to resolve all reported issues in a timely manner. Specifically, reported issues will be handled based on the following Severity Levels:
Severity Level 1: No productive work can be accomplished, i.e., Certificate approval and issuance services are down.
Response Time: One (1) hour
Response: A HydrantID Response Team, including manager level and technical expertise, will immediately define the issue and seek resolution, utilizing any necessary HydrantID personnel.
Status Updates: HydrantID will notify Client every two hours regarding progress towards resolution.
Severity Level 2: Urgent, high-impact problem where production is proceeding, but in a significantly impaired fashion.
Response Time: two (2) hours
Response: HydrantID support personnel and relationship manager will actively seek resolution and involve technical support and engineering personnel as necessary.
Status Updates: HydrantID will notify Client every four hours regarding progress towards resolution.
Severity Level 3: An important issue exists that does not have a significant impact on current productivity.
Response Time: Within twelve (12) business hours
Response: HydrantID support personnel will seek resolution and involve technical support/engineering management as necessary.
Status Updates: HydrantID will notify Client upon resolution.
Severity Level 4: A request for information, an enhancement, or issues requiring no further action beyond monitoring for follow-up if needed.
Response Time: Within two (2) business days.
Response: HydrantID support personnel will address the issue in the normal course of business.
Status Updates: HydrantID will notify Client upon resolution.
From time to time Client may request that HydrantID improve or modify the Service, which HydrantID will consider in good faith. System changes may also be implemented at HydrantID’s discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if Client discovers an error in the operation of the Service, HydrantID will use commercially reasonable efforts to remedy the same and rectify the error by modifying the service.